A1C test suggests your average blood sugar levels over past three months. It is generally advised to people who are diabetic or prone to diabetes at some later stage. If you are non-diabetic currently, you should have A1C levels anywhere between 4-6 percent roughly. If it goes above 6 but below 6.5 and you are non-diabetic, it could possibly mean that you have high chances of developing diabetes and should control your diet and eating habits before you become diabetic.

However, if you are diabetic, then you should try to keep the A1C level below 7 percent. If it crosses 7 percent, it means that you may need to take some action in terms of medication, eating habits and/or exercise. If it crosses the mark of 8 percent, then your doctor may advise you insulin injection to keep diabetes under check. Here are few ways to keep your A1C under the permissible level. 

Avoid unhealthy food
If you are on the borderline or your A1C test suggests high average glucose level, you should avoid eating fatty food and carbohydrate rich food. Food items like rice, potato fried items, and eatables containing white flour should be strictly avoided.
Include at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily to your routine. Exercise helps a great deal in keeping diabetes under check. If you are obese and 20 to 30 pounds over weight then you are more likely to develop diabetes at a later stage. 

Eat healthy food
Lean protein is a good diet for diabetics as it keeps the blood sugar level under check. If at all you want to take a soda, take the diet version, which have minimal or zero calories. Sugar must be avoided and can be substituted by sugar free or honey. 
Get A1C test every 6 months
To be on the safe side, get your A1C tests every 6 months. However, if you are prone to diabetes and going in pregnancy, get A1C test every 3 months.

Reduce stress
Stress plays an important role in diabetes and is today one of the key causes. Therefore, lead a healthy lifestyle and do some relaxation exercises like yoga, meditation and breathing exercise to live a stress free and diabetes free life. 

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